About China

American families choose to adopt from China more often than from any other country. In fact, as of 2010, more than 75,000 Chinese orphans have been placed with adoptive American families since China started its program.

24Stable Adoption Process

The US and Chinese governments have maintained a harmonious relationship for many decades. The China Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption (CCCWA) matches parents with children according to a steady and predictable procedure.

Parental Rights

The child’s biological parents and family members have three months to come forward to claim a child in an orphanage or under state care. If no one steps forward, all parental rights are severed and the child is brought to an orphanage where they become eligible for adoption.

All adoptions are finalized in China for married applicants where both parents travel to complete the adoption. The adoptive parents have all legal rights and responsibilities for the child.

One Trip to China

China’s adoption program requires only one trip to China.

  • Parents receive their child three to five days after arriving in Beijing.
  • Parents begin caring for their child immediately.

Although it is recommended that both parents travel, China requires only one parent to spend approximately 12 to 17 days in China to complete the adoption.

Adoption Finalized in China

  • If both parents travel, the adoption is finalized in China.
  • If only one parent travels, the child must be re-adopted in the US.

Affordable Adoption Program

China’s adoption program is very affordable compared to other international adoption programs.

Depending on the state you live in and other factors, total costs can vary greatly depending on your needs. Financial assistance and generous tax credits are available to US families.

Safe Travel to China

The Chinese government imposes severe punishment on anyone threatening the safety of foreign tourists.

  • The Chinese people are accepting of Americans adopting from China.
  • Adoptive parents are treated with courtesy and curiosity.
  • The Chinese government does not discriminate against families in the US military.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 512-323-9595 or contact us here.